Sunday, December 03, 2006

Been a while.....

To be honest I'd forgotten about this page, and I doubt anyone comes to see it....but if they do then HELLO!!!

I'm actually pregnant with baby #4!!!! We are soooo happy this will be our fourth and final child and so far everything is going well. I dont really know what to do with Gymboree, as my business took off not long ago and everything is going really well. I have loads of customers and I'm basically running it myself, so I'm the only teacher which is hard work especially when you are pregnant! We'll see how that goes.

Ronan is almost 1yr old. Time flies, I really cant believe it. He's still teeny tiny and such a peanut. He's almost walking.

Karmen is reading and writing now, and will star in the school Christmas play in a couple of weeks (very exciting).

Callum loves pre-school and is learning more and more each day, his speach is getting awsome and he's such a clever little boy.

Ok....that's all folks. Check out my webpage for all my pregnancy updates and family information/pictures!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Well life changes all the time

Well, scrap the oatmeal for Ronan. We've discontinued that now. I think he will be like Callum and just go from boobs to chicken nuggets! I only started the oatmeal to help his reflux, but it seems to have upset his tummy more. So....solids will be waiting till he can feed himself. Do you know Callum NEVER had one jar of baby food? He was exclusively nursed, when he started eating the little gerber puffs/snacks, and then one day I found him eating Karmen's chicken nuggest and chocolate chip cookie, around 7 months! LOL

We lost the Victorian house, they accepted someone elses offer. Pretty sad about that. It needed renovating and had a huge barn out the back where I could have made a business for myself (right next to home!) They've given us till the weekend to 're-think' our offer, but UGH I dont know....right now all I can think about is unpacking (all our stuff arrived on Monday from America) and I cant really think about finances/mortages and businesses right now....BUT on the other hand I dont want to 'miss the boat' and just stay in this NEW house. My DH would love a 'project' and so would I really, it's not every day you get offered a 17th century house *sigh*......

So, I play the lottery every week, you'd think it would be my turn ;)

What else? Oh my car got damaged in the 'container' I think where customs (aka wankers...) had been fondling around in my stuff, they left a trolley next to my car which then FELL onto the back of my brand new Minivan...arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh so now that needs reparing. Other than that, everything seems to have got here ok. But my house is a MESS, how do you get 2 houses worth of stuff into 1? Donate alot, and sell alot...which is where I'm at now. VERY hard with a fussy lil pants like Ronan is...but I'll get there.

Ok, opinions on the house would be appreciated lol!!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Updated my webpage

So I thought I'd copy and paste into here LOL!! I know I'm lazy.

We have recently moved back to the UK and have settled in pretty well.

Karmen is 4.5yrs old and has started full time school!!! Yep, here in the UK they start a year earlier than the USA, so she's officially at school now. She loves it so much, although it's hard for me to not have her around, I'm happy she enjoys it. She's such a confident child, and so bright...I could go on and on, but I wont bore you with my bias and motherly ramblings. I will say she's coming on really well with writing, and can now read little simple books "It can talk" etc....she loves to learn.

Callum has got over the surprise of not being the baby anymore, and he's done really well. He potty trained over night at age 2yrs 2mo, just like his sister. He was in a 'big boy bed' by his second birthday, can sing the alphabet, can recognise letters and colors and he's fantastic at naming animals ;) He's quite a laid back child, when Karmen's not around he's sooooooooo quiet, but when she's here then he's really loud, he will fight her tooth and nail for something she's took away from him. But OH MY GOSH he loves his baby brudder. Or "My Wownie" his nickname for Ronan (aka. Rownie). I have added a new photo album and pictures of Callum acting Silly, he likes to get into the babies car seat and walker...then gets stuck *insert eye roll*. On the physical side, he's soooooooooooo strong I cant believe it! He picks up boxes that most grown ups struggle with, and I'm NOT kidding, we help setup the play group here in the village and put out toys etc..He was carrying a box full of toys, so a lady took it off him and was like "Oh my GOSH how was he carrying that, it's so heavy!" He's tall for his age, and weighs 41lbs now, but you can still see his rib cage. Hum, what else? He can play soccer/footbal really well and he's great at gardening ;)

Ahhh Ronan (little Rownie), as you all know he joined our lives in December 2005. He's growing really well, was 16lbs at his 4 month checkup. He had his 4 month shots and didnt even cry! What a brave lil boy ;) We battled Viral Menengitis at 7 weeks old, but he pulled through that just fine. And we are still battling his 'reflux' problem, but he started oatmeal mixed with breastmilk a few nights ago, and it's really helped with his spit up/aspiration etc. He's also learnt to roll, so he's decided he doesnt want to sleep on his back anymore. I still try, but nope, he flips right over. To be honest I think it helps his reflux issues to sleep on his belly cause he must be more comfortable like that. He's trying to get his knees underneath him when he has tummy time, and he can push himself slug like accross the rug. He's started eating Rusks now, and started with a sippy cup (just to play around with). Also pictures of these things in the new album. He's such a perfect lil boy (although slightly bald LOL), but he loves people...he just wants to be held..doesnt care who is holding him! He's exclusively breastfed (infact has only ever had one bottle in his life) and we'll keep breastfeeding as long as he wants, we hope to break Callum's record of 16 months.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 new venture...

Looks like we may be moving again, HOUSE this time, not city/country/continent lol. There is a old Victorian house down the road with a HUGE Barn at the back, that I could use for my mew business. Been doing some market research and it seems it's something this area really needs. I'm meeting with a bloke from 'G' tomorrow, and I should be signing up for my own franchise. I'm so excited! It's something I really want to do, and dh has given me the 'pocket money' to buy into, and is really supportive. GREAT. My Mum is also coming to live in the UK for a while to set it up with me. So...that's the details, it's an evolving project, I have bigger plans for it, as I will own the only franchise in this City of 300+k people but I will have to start off small, especially with such a small baby around me. Callum starts nursery in September, so I'll be more 'free' plus it will take 3 mo to set up the franchise, market it, get the equipment etc etc...

I wonder how it's possible for a 40ft container to miss 2 frikken vessels leaving Chicago? My stuff missed 2....yes 2 ships from America, so we are still sans cars...well dh is driving the Porsche and I'm using my dad's car that he drove over from Spain, but still it's not the same as having ones personal stuff and cars here. I MISS MY BED!!!! We have a bed here, but it's not the same as my good old sleep number bed, sigh, my BACK is killing me right now. Shouldnt be much longer, but takes about 2wks to clear customs here in the UK.

Mei Tai. Ordered a Mei Tai! Original from China. Those things look so cool, R is outgrowing the slings, and this should be great as the warmer weather approaches, cause C is pushing the weight limit in the rear seat of the Phil and Teds double stroller, so I can push one and carry R in the Mei Tai.

K is LOVING school, and finally I'm meeting new friends, me and the boys have a picnic with some other mum's from the school on Friday in the's so cool to have this kind of small village community. I've missed it so much!

Friday, April 21, 2006


Comes in all shapes and sizes. I just wanted to add that I am blessed to have my online friends, some I've met IRL and some I havent, but I really am blessed to have you guys (you know who you are) and even friends I'm meeting through this blooging thing, you are very supportive, thank you.

I want to thank J, H & S from the PC (my IRL friends) cause you really have been my rock with all the moving and stuff I've been through with R....((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))) Post more later :)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Missing Friends

I was standing outside the school today waiting for K, and everyone seemed so moody. For some reason I dont feel like I can approach these people. There is a couple of women I talk to who I used to know, but it's not the same as my 'best friends' J & C that I left behind in the USA, even if/when they move back to the UK they wont live in this area. Just feeling like I wont ever have friends like that again. And it's a sad feeling. I keep saying to myself, it's ok, I'll just concentrate on my business, but really I crave some kind of friendship. We'll see....

K seems to be making friends, she seems to be happy with her school, and her teacher says she's doing well. The house is sooooooooooo quiet during the day now! C has no one to fight with, so there's no screaming, it's actually pretty nice, although for some reason I DO still miss her.

I've been thinking today, all day, about my online friend J having a funeral for her son. This has bought tears to my eyes many times today. You cant help but think "how would I cope?" and that makes me cry even more. Life sucks sometimes. All I can do right now is pray for my friend and her family, and pray that somehow they can move past this pain, a pain that will always be there in their heart.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

So...K's first day of school

I cant believe I have a child in school now! Where did my baby go? Here in the UK they start at age 4, she's still the youngest in the class because of her birthday, but she seems so mature compared to the other kids, she's definately taller than 99% of her class. But then she's always been a tall girl. She's so assertive, confident and bright. I'm proud to be her mother, I guess I should tell her that more, although I normally tell her once a day. It seems so weird to make her lunch box and ASK her what she would like in it. She did tell me she missed me today, which upset me a bit, but I know she'll get used to it very soon. She said she asked the teacher when I was coming to get her cause she missed me...awwww bless. I keep looking at R, and I see K, they look so alike. It's hard to think K is not a baby anymore, VERY hard. But as my MIL says "wait till you send your youngest to school, and you have NO babies left at home".....I dread the day!

So, in order to take focus off the fact that my babies are growing up, and I'm only having ONE more, my Mum and I are starting up a business (a franchise) that should take off in September. I'm VERY excited to get my teeth into something and something I'm interested in. I'm meeting with the business manager next week to discuss locations and money (of course), luckily dh is backing me 100% (good I need his money LMFAO). And there's a couple of ways I can work this, so I need to think of the best way, and get to a bank, to beg for the rest of the money ;)

Watch this space. Not that anyone is probably interested anyway, but this blogging thing seems like fun, so here goes to my online diary ;)